PAPER... what an exciting medium - a multitude of colours, textures and weights. It can be hand-made, or glossy, matte, smooth, rough, corrugated, glittery, transparent. It can be light and delicate tissue paper, waxy vellum or sturdy inflexible card. And all the exciting possibilities as you start to fold, weave, cut, pop, glide, turn, slide, fan... Today we might explore origami or papier-maché, sculpture, model making, papercuts, mechanics, or decide to create shadow puppets to dance through light and shade making stories come alive...

WIRE... also has endless potential. Depending on the flexiblity and gauge of the wire you can fashion tiny delicate forms up to large sculptures, or perhaps the framework for paper-mâché creations. There is so much enjoyment in the variety
of ways of working with wire: bending, shaping, knitting, weaving, braiding, soldering...